When you are purchasing a home, you are making one of the biggest financial decisions of your life. For most people, this means a 30-year financial commitment; signing any document that will have that serious an impact on your life without a legal review is never a good idea. What may seem like a standard purchase and sale agreement could have ambiguous clauses that could cost you good faith money, or could result in your waiving certain rights.
Business owners often lease property rather than purchasing; generally, a lease agreement is a long-term arrangement with the property owner, and the business owner. However, if you fail to have a lease reviewed before you sign the final document, you could be forfeiting certain rights granted to you under Nebraska law.
There are numerous steps in a real estate transaction; whether it is to purchase or lease property. Do not put your rights at risk, contact the Norfolk, NE office of Carney Law before signing a purchase and sale agreement, or a lease agreement for real estate. We will carefully review the contract, make sure you understand the various clauses and how they impact you, and help you in any way possible to ensure a smooth real estate transaction.
PO Box 1776
Norfolk, NE 68702
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